Loft on Patio / Colombes (fr)

Volumetric repartitions and add-on

> 2006 -2007 / COLOMBES (PARIS) / FRANCE
Mission Complète
©Haluk SEVIMLI Architecte


A workshop along a street, a entrance court at the other corner,
the first floor is shared into 3 or 4 entities, a patio in the middle.
This element is a atmospheric regulator, elaborating oxygen with growing lotus and bamboo.

A plant covered connection between the historical brick building and an old garage is cutting the court in two, allowing the contamination of each, before separated entities.

The loft’s kitchen is a church like double space enlightened by a top window, and a larger covered view to the patio.

The top floor is a large roof garden.

The living room could be largely opened on the wooden terrace.
The bathroom is largely open. The exHIbiting body is protected from the voyeurism view by a vertical combination of plants and blades.

January 2009